Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Coke can't teach the world (of buskers) to sing"

I just thought this article was a funny reminder of how far corporations will go to get their message out. Of course we know that Coke would do just about anything to spread the word about their soda, but you probably wouldn't think about the traveling guitar player asking for money in the subway as a pitchman.

Even at that, the "buskers" are scoffing at the idea of singing Coke tunes. How little is Coke paying them that they have decided it would be more profitable to essentially beg for money from strangers than sing Coke songs? Of course, they mention that this time of year is the most profitable for the buskers, and singing corporate-funded melodies might inhibit metro-patrons sense of charity. Still though, you would think a corporation like Coke would be able to pay them enough to make them forget about their musical standards.

Either way, I think this is a pretty funny indicator of the progression of corporate advertising and sponsorship.

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