Sunday, November 15, 2009

Goodbye Blog, Hello Final Project

So the blogging assignment was cool. I had never used a blog before this class, and it proved to be useful in a couple of ways. First of all, the blog made me start reading (or at least skimming) BusinessWeek and newspaper articles for the latest business news. I'm sure that will be an essential part of everyone's career as they advance; staying up to date on the latest happenings is critical in most professions, but especially in one as volatile as business. One of the characteristics that I admired about my manager at my internship was that she took measures to stay current on the local business climate, but especially on employment law (I worked in the HR office).

So this will be my last blog post, but I appreciated the experience. Now we are all moving onto the final project, and it seems like a tough one. I believe my group is going to be doing our's on the Corvette Museum, which again is cool in some aspects. I'll appreciate the opportunity to dust off my interviewing skills, which I haven't really used since I finished taking journalism classes. It was one of the things I enjoyed least about the news/editorial program, but the business world provides a much different experience than most journalistic interviews. Business interviews (of any sort) seem to be quite a bit more structured and straight forward, with A TON more cooperation on the part of the interviewee. Interviewing anyone for an article was tantamount to pulling teeth; almost without exception people will become defensive and "closed off" when they think that they might be quoted. It could have been the most benign and innocent article ever, and people would still give me the cold shoulder (which could have been entirely attributed to my skills as a reporter, but I'll not go into that).

Either way, the project will be a challange. I hope I get through it alright (as well as the rest of the class)!


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